Cosmetic defects (e.g., scratches, dents, burrs) that occur during manufacturing and are unresolved before a part is powder coated can negatively impact the quality of the coating.
Sure, the powder will adhere just fine, and you’ll still benefit from the coating’s durability. But you’ll be stuck with a part that simply doesn’t look as good as it should.
Many shops that provide powder coat services don’t bother to fix cosmetic defects—typically because they lack the capabilities to do so. Fortunately, All Powder Coat & Screen operates out of a machine shop, uniquely positioning us to eliminate defects and ensure your part receives the highest-quality finish possible.
Through our association with All Metals Fabricating (AMF), we have access to equipment that can fix common defects.
If your part was dented or bent in the wrong way, our forming department can flatten it out and restore it to its intended shape.
Did any screws or nuts go missing or become loose? No problem. Our hardware department can easily replace or tighten them.
Sharp burrs and deep scratches can result from different manufacturing processes, compromising the appearance of a part and even potentially posing a safety hazard.
Our grinding department regularly removes burrs, scratches, and other defects. In fact, with AMF’s powerful equipment, we can deburr parts at a level other machine shops may not
be able to match.
When scratches are really deep, it can be easy to grind parts too much. If we find ourselves in this situation, we know we can rely on our in-house welding and machining capabilities to make any needed repairs.
Customers often ask what they can do to prepare parts for powder coat services. In most cases, there’s not a whole lot you can do.
One exception is if you're sending us a part that has already been wet painted. In this case, you can save time and money by removing the wet paint first. Otherwise, we’ll need to remove it for you, which can increase your cost and lead time.
If you’re unsure what kind of preparation your part needs before powder coat services or how complex your project really is, send a picture with your request for quote (RFQ). We’ll examine your part, determine how much work is involved, and get you an accurate estimate. We’ll also include feedback on any steps you can take to save time and money.
Powder coating over cosmetic defects just makes the flaws stand out more—and that’s not up to our high standards. All Powder Coat & Screen has the capabilities within our shop to fix these issues and give your part the beautiful powder coated finish it deserves.
Our skilled, professional team takes pride in our work. We have years of experience powder coating a range of parts in various industries, such as banking, automotive, medical, and industrial equipment.
Request a quote for our powder coating solutions today!
Click the button below, fill out the form, include a STEP file & PDF print and click Submit, or call us now at (972) 747-1231. Please note, a minimum order of $500 is required.
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